My body remains in t

My body remains in t

classification: fantastic
update: 2024年09月03日

... graduated in 2055 from a key university. After graduation, his life was not as he had imagined ... 。As CEO Marrying a wealthy woman Reaching the pinnacle of life Forget it, Li Lohao is just someone who caught the attention of his superiors. They gave him an undergraduate degree and put him in charge of this so-called "Time-Space X-163" project. 。Although he wasn't interested in this, seeing the joy and pride on his parents' faces, Li Luohao still chose to join the research project. 。Li Luohao's parents are both businessmen. He didn't graduate from high school and started working in society when he was young. His parents also met each other when they were young and struggling in society. 。Thanks to the years of hard work by his parents, Li Lohao's family business has been thriving. In recent years, their family has never worried about money. 。,All the participants arrived at the scene before Li Luohao. Li Luohao's colleague, Wang Dailì, who weighed two hundred kilograms, walked towards Li Luohao. 。"Ah Hao, why are you so late I, Wang Fatty, arrived at four in the morning! I've been eagerly waiting. Think about it, if we succeed this time, we'll be national heroes!" 。"Wang Dali charged at Li Luohao with a slight smile. His fleshy face seemed to twitch with his grin, squeezing his eyes down to the size of mung beans." 。,Wang Pangzi kept smiling ingratiatingly at Dean Wang. Dean Wang glanced at his watch and said, “There’s still an hour left. Check all the hardware facilities again. There can't be any mistakes.”。

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