Miao Miao hesitated whether to answer, but after thinking about it, she still turned her phone to silent. However, one call after another came in. Miao Miao glanced at the time on her phone. The meeting had only been going on for half an hour and wouldn't end that quickly. She should wait until Jun Shen finished the meeting and then talk to him. Maybe this call was really urgent, but the current meeting was also urgent. Miao Miao was torn, but in the end, she decided not to disturb Gu Jun Shen and would wait until he finished the meeting before talking to him!,The Lei family fortune, let alone domestically, is also renowned abroad. How could anyone in the business world not know about the Lei family fortune!,Smith then let out a sigh of relief, "I'm sorry, Madam President, for the trouble I've caused. But I, Smith, swear on my head that she has absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Gu. Simply put, she's just infatuated."。