

author: at a glance
classification: metropolis
update: 2024年08月31日

Luochuan City, also known as Luoyi, has a history of over 5,000 years of civilization and over 4,000 years of urban history. It is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization and the eastern starting point of the Silk Road. Thirteen dynasties have built their capitals in Luochuan throughout history, and five major imperial city ruins remain to this day. Surrounding Luochuan are countless tombs, including the largest tomb group site in China, the Mengshan Ancient Tombs, located right in Luochuan.,In the antique market, there are fixed stalls and shops, but Zheng Dagang just liked to set up a stall and haggle with people. Back and forth, he became familiar with Su Xiaofan, who also had a free stall. For six days out of seven, the two mixed together. Only on Sunday did Su Xiaofan not come out to the stall, saying that he had to go home to take care of his sister.,And even if things got heated, Zheng Dagang wasn't afraid. Don't look at the fierce expressions on these few people's faces, but Zheng Dagang was a local tough guy. He had been running around this antique market since he was wearing diapers. If the other party wanted to be rough, Zheng Dagang would yell and half the stall owners in the market could be called over. These four or five people were really nothing to him.。

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