However, it's not easy to cultivate this righteous energy. If he hadn't discovered the secret of the Five Ghosts, Xiao Yu wouldn’t have any methods either. The righteous energy on his body was all refined and transformed by him; others cannot use it at all. But for the Five Ghosts, the righteous energy they produce is the purest in the world, making it perfect as a seed for Zhao Lingyun to cultivate with.,After arriving at the deep sea, Xiao Yu had Dai Yuxin come out from the underground tomb first. The spell cast by the Five Ghosts must not be known by anyone else; back then, they even closed off the Umbrella Gathering Yin when casting their spells, preventing all ghosts inside from moving freely.,"Five Ghosts!" After entering the tomb chamber, Xiao Yu said to the Umbrella Gathering Yin.。