The Substitute Wife

The Substitute Wife

author: Do you know?
classification: metropolis
update: 10分鐘前

With Bai Ye and Su Man around, Lin Lin's body slowly recovered to health, and she looked much more energetic. She was no longer as sickly as before. Besides taking care of Baby Gu and Sen Sen, Mu Mu, Lin Lin rarely spoke with others. Even though Sao Bao Tian Zhon always came over with Yuan Que to cheer up Lin Lin, he didn't say much either. He liked to sit alone by the window on the second floor, looking out at the sea, or sitting alone on the beach, watching the sea.,"I promise, I won't get angry at all, at most I'll be seduced by you, and I'm still very willing." Mo Chen said generously, of course, if he could remember the process better, why would he have no impression at all.,Gu Bao coughed twice and said, "I have a good friend named Miao Miao. She knows I like you. Back then, I was really infatuated with you. I chased after you for so long without any response, and I was very heartbroken. I wrote a love letter, but Miao Miao laughed at me, saying that such a childish love letter wouldn't be able to move you. I was very sad, and I got drunk holding onto Miao Miao, and then at that moment, when I was hotheaded, I said...said..."。

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