Butor sneered, "Are you putting grass on my head here You've worked hard. Where did you buy this outfit And this wig, oh my oh my, it's still long and straight black hair. Congratulations, you finally got the good one for yourself.",The next second, Li Sishen abruptly withdrew the smile from his face, looked at Bu Tong with a somber expression, and said in a low voice, "How is it Surprised Unexpected Stimulating Next week when your birthday comes, we will announce our engagement, which both our families have been keeping secret for twenty years. By then, you'll be the one who comes out of the closet and I, your extremely tolerant fiancé. Grandfather will also transfer the 5% stake in his hands to me... Oh, by the way, once we get married, when your family head passes away, everything from the Bu family will be mine. By then, you'll have no one to rely on, just wait and see how I deal with you...",I originally thought that as long as it was the same, the Li family would annul the engagement, but I didn't expect Li Sijun to be unharmed!。