lt;lt;lt;The Stronge

lt;lt;lt;The Stronge

classification: fantastic
update: 2024年09月03日

"Ye Mo, Ye Mo, are you alright Get up quickly, class is about to start soon. This lesson is with Wu Bing, hurry up!" 。A somewhat hurried voice rang in Ye Mo's ear, and Ye Mo felt a very strange feeling 。"This idiot, probably won't even be able to face people anymore, covering his face like this." 。Another voice sounded in his ear, but this time Ye Mo woke up. 。,While Ye Mo knew about the misfortune that had befallen the Ye family, the reason was quite simple,To get someone with erectile dysfunction into bed, isn't that slapping him in the face Although he's not himself anymore, Ye Mo's face still darkened. 。Looking at that Yan Yan's appearance, it was indeed unusual. However, the way she acted felt so contrived. Ye Mo found it quite off-putting and couldn't understand why the original owner would be attracted to her in the first place. 。However, Ye Mo quickly understood the reason. Because when Ye Mo was still in the Ye family, everyone was very close to him, including Yan Yan's biological 。After his impotence became known, he felt ashamed and wanted to find a friend to help him out. However, he didn't expect that the friend who was supposed to be close to him would treat him like this. In desperation, he fainted and inadvertently gave himself a rebirth opportunity. 。。

lt;lt;lt;The Stronge Recent chapters
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